Prevent Old Growth Logging in Alaska's Tongass Forest

  • by: Earthjustice
  • recipient: Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture
The forests protected by the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule rule provide vital habitat for 1,500 wildlife species, safeguard drinking water supplies for 60 million Americans and ensure quality recreation for millions of visitors.

But early in its tenure, the Bush administration excluded Alaska's Tongass rainforest from roadless protections. The Tongass is our nation's largest national forest and the largest remaining old-growth temperate rainforest in the world.

This spring, the selling of old growth timber in roadless areas in the Tongass is scheduled to begin. Clearcutting old growth permanently damages its habitat value for old growth dependent species and building new roads will further fragment this important ecosystem.

Tell USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to end the Bush administration's exemption of the Tongass from the roadless rule.
Dear Secretary Vilsack,

This past January marked the anniversary of the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule that President Obama supported in the Senate and in his campaign. I also want to thank you for your support of the roadless rule when you served as Iowa's governor. That landmark measure provided vital protection to 58.5 million acres of wild, undeveloped national forests and grasslands from road building, logging and other development.

As Secretary, you now have the opportunity to uphold and restore protections for these pristine wild lands. The roadless areas protected by this rule provide vital habitat for 1,500 wildlife species, safeguard drinking water supplies for 60 million Americans and ensure quality recreation for millions of hikers, fishermen and hunters.

Early in its tenure, the Bush administration excluded Alaska's Tongass rainforest from roadless protections. The Tongass is our nation's largest national forest and represents the largest remaining old growth temperate rainforest in the world.

The Forest Service is now scheduled to offer Tongass roadless areas for clearcutting this spring. You have the power to prevent this from happening.

[Your comments here]

I urge you to immediately end the Bush administration's exemption of the Tongass from the roadless rule and restore protection for its majestic old growth forests.
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