Tell Lawmakers in Olympia To Protect Anthony and Others With Pre-Existing Conditions

Anthony was a typical college student, playing basketball and hanging out with friends, when he started to experience extreme pain and fatigue. He didn't know what was happening until he was diagnosed with Lupus.

Now working as a restaurant cook, Anthony says his joints ache so much sometimes he can't care for himself or even walk his dog. Private long term care insurance companies won't cover his pre-existing condition. So, Anthony worried about how he'd be able to pay for a home care aide if ever he needed one.

Luckily, WA Cares benefits will give Anthony, and 3 million more workers in Washington, much needed support. But now anti-worker interests just filed an initiative to the legislature to take away WA Cares from Anthony and millions of other working Washingtonians.

WA Cares will provide Anthony with home modifications, equipment, and a home care aide if he ever needs them And as Anthony says, "knowing I'll be able to stay in my own home, not a nursing home, even when my condition gets really bad, gives me so much relief."

WA Cares also helps millions of workers stay in their homes when they are ill, injured, or elderly and will pay $36,500 (grows with inflation) for help like:

  • Professional home care aide
  • Family member's time
  • Wheelchair or other equipment
  • Home modifications like ramp or shower bars

Most of us – 70% – will need help with meals, moving around, or using the bathroom at some point in their lives. For nearly everyone, paying for home care is a concerning struggle. Neither health insurance nor Medicare cover home care and private long-term care insurance rejects people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other pre-existing conditions.

WA Cares covers everyone, pays for home care, and more. Tell your lawmakers in Olympia – workers like Anthony cannot afford to lose WA Cares.

Do not take away workers' WA Cares benefits. 

Anti-worker interests are pushing an initiative to the legislature to take away $36,500 in WA Cares benefits soon available to all working Washingtonians.

The long-term care coverage crisis impacts the vast majority of working Washingtonians. Many of us have pre-existing conditions that would disqualify us from expensive private long-term care insurance. 

Others are unpaid caregivers struggling to balance work and caring for a family member. 

Most of us  – 70% – will need help with meals, moving around, or using the bathroom at some point in our lives.

Finding the means to pay for that care is extremely challenging, putting enormous pressure on families and taxpayer-funded Medicaid. 

WA Cares will take pressure off families by providing workers with a fund to pay for care when we need it most.

We call on you to oppose taking away workers' WA Cares benefits.

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