Tell Indiana Lawmakers To Increase Dogfighting Penalties

"Man's best friend" may fight to the death in dogfights, often with tens of thousands of dollars at stake. Dogfighters sometimes kill the losing dogs, and even winning dogs may die from their wounds. Police often discover drugs, guns, and even murder in connection with dogfights.
Now, we have a chance to crack down on this deadly racket. In Indiana, S.B. 306 would set meaningful penalties for those who fuel the animal fighting industry – both dogfighters and spectators – which would save dogs and make our communities safer.
This legislation would close a loophole in the current animal fighting law that requires a person to have a dog in their possession in order to be charged with a felony crime. This allows dog fighters to simply drop the leash and walk away in order to avoid strong punishment.
Spectators also play a crucial role in animal fighting. They enable these activities by promoting them, paying admission, and betting on fights. These fights would not occur without spectators as they would be unprofitable for event organizers. Federal investigations have revealed animal fights to be intricate gambling rings that often attract large crowds engaged in other criminal activity, such as illegal weapons and drugs.
Intentionally forcing an animal to fight, often times to the death, while spectators cheer and wager, is barbaric. Tell Indiana legislators to pass S.B 306 to increase animal fighting penalties for both dogfighters and spectators and save dogs' lives.
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