No Farms. No Food. No Future.

Agricultural land is a finite resource foundational to our nation's food security and economy, and we are running out of time to protect it. According to research conducted by American Farmland Trust, the U.S. is projected to lose at least 18.4 million acres by 2040 if nothing is done to prevent it.

Right now, Congress is working to pass a new Farm Bill that will impact nearly all farm and food policy – and vital funding – for the next five years. Congress must pass this far-reaching legislation NOW to ensure:

  • Farmers and ranchers who wish to do so have the resources they need to permanently protect their land from development.
  • Producers have the financial and technical support to adopt conservation practices that improve resilience, soil health, and water quality. 
  • All producers – particularly those operating small farms – have the support they need to operate thriving, viable businesses.
  • A diverse new generation of farmers and ranchers have more affordable access to land, helping them to survive economically and contribute to a productive food system.

The next Farm Bill is our best chance to address the challenges our farmers and ranchers face and chart a course to this more resilient food system.

Please sign TODAY to send a message to your members of Congress asking them to pass the next Farm Bill.

Dear lawmaker: 

Agricultural land is a finite resource foundational to our nation's food security and economy, and we are running out of time to protect it. According to research conducted by American Farmland Trust, the U.S. is projected to lose 18.4 million acres by 2040 if nothing is done to prevent it.

Never before has there been a greater need to build a more resilient farm and food system with programs and policies that advance farm viability, benefit rural communities, support greater diversity and equity, protect critical farmland acres, and combat climate change.

The next Farm Bill is our best chance to address the challenges our farmers and ranchers face while charting a course to a more resilient food system. 

I urge you to champion the vital funding needed to protect America's farmland and ranchland. Vote for the next Farm Bill!

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