Amazon and Ebay: Stop Selling Donkey hide gelatin products (Ejiao)

  • by: CS Purdy
  • recipient: Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO, Devin Wenig, Ebay CEO

4 million donkeys are being slaughtered each year to make a product called donkey hide gelatin (Ejiao in Chinese). That's ten percent of the world population and China wants more. These numbers are not sustainable if the donkey is to survive as a species.

The suffering of these animals, even before slaughter, is of no concern to the Chinese companies who are profiting. They are now successfully extending their reach to Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Brazil, Mexico and possibly Australia to meet the growing demand for this health fad.

Like bear bile, Ejiao has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the health benefits are unproven. The gelatin is used in facial creams, powders, and even snacks.

Donkeys have contributed to the progress of human civilization for thousands of years and many people around the world love them as companion animals. People in developing countries still rely on donkeys, making this a human welfare issue as well as an animal welfare issue.

Hundreds of Ejiao products are available on and These companies should stand up for the humane and sustainable treatment of animals and stop selling these products. Chinese companies are threatening the very existence of a species that has done so much for humanity.

4 million donkeys are being slaughtered each year to make a product called donkey hide gelatin (Ejiao in Chinese). That’s 10% of the world population and China wants more. These numbers are not sustainable if the donkey is to survive as a species.

The suffering of these animals, even before slaughter, is of no concern to the Chinese companies who are profiting. They are now successfully extending their reach to Africa, Brazil, Mexico and possibly Australia to meet the growing demand.

Like bear bile, Ejiao has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the health benefits are unproven.

Donkeys have contributed to the progress of human civilization as a pack animal for thousands of years and many people around the world love them as companion animals. People in developing countries still rely on donkeys, making this a human welfare issue as well as an animal welfare issue.

Hundreds of products made with Ejiao are selling on your website. I urge your company to stand up for the humane and sustainable treatment of animals and to stop selling these products. I do not want to see Chinese companies get richer by threatening the very existence of a species that has done so much for humanity.

Update #37 years ago
Please consider a $5 gift to help run newspaper ads about this issue. Donkeys need our help! If only 5% of you donate this small amount, we can get this done and make these behemoth companies take notice. Read the gofundme page here:

This petition will, of course, be delivered - but I think more consumers need to be outraged to have an effect on Ebay and Amazon. Thank you!
Update #28 years ago
A GoFundMe page has been set up to run newspaper ads in the areas where Amazon and Ebay are headquartered -

You can contribute as little as $5 - let's really make these companies take notice and raise awareness about this issue!
Update #18 years ago
Thank you for caring about donkeys! More than 5,000 signatures from all over the world in just over a week! Let’s keep it going - if you haven’t shared yet on social media, I hope you will, or share again! You can also:
1. Support the Donkey Sanctuary (
2. Email Ask them to stop selling Ejiao/donkey hide gelatin products. Asking works better than attacking – NO HATE SPEECH PLEASE!

Thank You!
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