Save Dolphins and Seals - Stop This Killer Freezer Trawler

  • by: Georgina B.
  • recipient: Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt

The controversial giant freezer trawler Geelong Star has had to return to port after another round of dolphin and seal deaths in its giant net, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.

The ship had already killed four dolphins and two seals on its first fishing trip in Australian waters.

The trawler was fishing off south-eastern Australia when it killed another four dolphins. It also killed two more seals, repeating the tally of six marine mammal deaths that occurred on the trawler's first trip last month.

After the first series of deaths, the AFMA set a limit of three dolphin deaths before the vessel had to cease night fishing.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society's campaigner, Tooni Mahto, said the killing of dolphins by fishing boats was unacceptable to the Australian public:

"It's absolutely clear the vessel cannot fish without killing dolphins, so therefore the vessel should not fish," Ms Mahto said.

It is not acceptable that even one dolphin or seal is killed by the nets of the Geelong Star. Will you join me in urging the Australian government to immediately ban the giant freezer trawler that kills dolphins and seals?

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