Support the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act

What if you became the victim of domestic violence or rape and learned that you had fewer resources for help in your community, from the police, or through the court system?

This could happen if the U.S. House fails to pass the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.

Since the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was first enacted in 1994, it's helped save thousands of lives by recognizing domestic and sexual violence as crimes at the federal level, and by giving organizations like Safe Horizon the vital resources they need to help women and families affected by violence and abuse.

VAWA is once again up for reauthorization. The Senate voted 68-31 in favor of this bill, and now it's up to the House. But they have voted to strip protections for immigrants who are victims of domestic violence, which is a huge setback.

Don't let victims lose this lifesaving legislation. Join Safe Horizon to support the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act -- WITH protections for immigrants!
Subject: Help save more lives. Please pass the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act S.1925!

Dear [Decision Maker],

I'm writing to support the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act S. 1925, introduced by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho). I'm writing because I want to make sure every victim of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and dating violence receives the support they need from law enforcement, the court system, and service providers that they deserve.

One in four women will be affected by domestic violence in her lifetime. One in three women who become homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner. The Violence Against Women Act gives organizations like Safe Horizon, law enforcement, court systems, and communities across the nation the tools they urgently need to address these statistics and to save lives. In the nearly 20 years since VAWA was first passed, there have been fewer deaths related to domestic violence. Victims of violence have found greater access to services that give them the tools they need to become survivors over crisis. Just as important, more individuals around the country know and recognize domestic violence and are working together to prevent it and to help families affected by it.

I want to continue to see these results and I support VAWA to help victims to find support when they need it, and to continue to address domestic and sexual violence as the public health crises they are.

I'm asking that you support VAWA so that survivors of violence and abuse are able to heal and recover their lives; so that law enforcement, our courts, and service providers can continue to help communities become safer for women and their families; and to work toward breaking the cycles of violence and abuse among young people.

Please vote to reauthorize this lifesaving legislation.

Thank you.
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