Help Protect Florida's Natural Resources and Wildlife!

Over 80% of rivers, lakes, and streams that are measured for water quality by the State of Florida are considered polluted because they don’t meet state water quality standards. Our most critical natural resources are degraded and at this rate they won’t be there for our children or grandchildren.
Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Amendment gives Florida voters a direct opportunity to keep our drinking water clean, protect our rivers, springs and beaches, and restore natural treasures like the Everglades—without any increase in taxes.
We owe it to our children and grandchildren to protect Florida’s water quality, natural areas, beaches, and wildlife, so future generations can enjoy them the same way we do!
Join us in standing up for clean water and sign-on as a citizen co-sponsor of Amendment 1: the Water and Land Conservation Amendment. Help us tell Florida’s elected leaders how you support passage of Amendment 1. Tell Florida's elected leaders that you support passage of Amendment 1 and will be voting Yes this November.
To whom it may concern:
As a Florida voter who will be voting for Amendment 1 - the Water and Land Conservation Amendment - I am signing on as a 'Citizen Co-Sponsor.' I’m a co-sponsor because I believe we owe it to our children and grandchildren to protect Florida’s water quality, natural areas, beaches, and wildlife, so future generations can enjoy them the same way we do!
I am standing with thousands of other Floridians who are standing up for clean water and protected natural areas by signing on as a citizen co-sponsors of Amendment 1. Florida can protect its rivers, springs, beaches, and natural treasures like the Everglades—without increasing taxes.
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