Why are there constanly bad referee calls against the Romanian National Squad?

Do something about the mob in Europeean Football.
Recently the Romanian National Squad missed out on the European Championships on account of some dubious calls by referees. Two gratuitous penalties dictated against Romania in the matches with Norway (Oslo) and Denmark (Copenhagen) have pushed out Romania from their Qualifying Group. Added to that, a goal scored by Martin Laursen after injury time had expired for 40 seconds and an all around Danish favouring attitude by Urs Meier who had refused to call the end of the game in a situation when the ball was about 40 yds from the Romanian goal and in no one's posession raise questions about the integrity of such refereeing. Added to that, in the afore mentioned game in Oslo, referee Lubos Mikel had called the end of the match after only 1.30 mins of injury time disregarding the sign from the 4th official who had indicated 3 minutes of injury time. At that moment, the score was 1-1 and Romania was attacking beeing in the vicinity of Norway's 16 yard box.
This person feels that there is a large ammount of pressure on the smaller teams in Europe who not only have to fight their adversaries on court but the adverse refereeing as well. I beleive UEFA is using this discouraging tactics to ensure that only teams with a large ammount of fans coming from countries with strong economies will travel to the final stages of international competitions to help boost sales of football merchandise.
That alone is a sign of discrimination. It's similar to saying that a spot at such a final stage is rather bought off the pitch than earned with the sweat and dedication of the football players on the pitch. However, there seems to be an ongoing campaign against racism that is strongly supported by UEFA. I am far from suggesting that racism is not an issue, but there is a scent of hypocirisy in the air when concerning discrimination.
I would expect a formal reply from the presons directly targeted by this petition.
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