Stop the Beachfront Boondoggle - BP's Environmental Restoration $$ Shouldn't Harm Habitat

The BP drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico was an environmental nightmare, with BP’s oil geyser spewing from the floor of the Gulf for 87 days, releasing over 200 million gallons of oil, treated with 5 million gallons of toxic dispersant. Wildlife such as dolphins, pelicans, endangered sea turtles and deep sea corals are still recovering from the severe impacts of this unprecedented disaster.

But with such significant impacts to the ecosystem, why is the State of Alabama trying to spend $58 million of the money BP owes to fix the environment on a beachfront hotel and conference center?  Even worse, this beachfront boondoggle will be plunked down on an undeveloped stretch of state park that’s home to the endangered Alabama beach mouse! That’s right, a huge chunk of the money the BP is supposed to spend to fix the Gulf environment will actually be spent on destroying Gulf wildlife habitat.  

Let’s tell the State and Federal Council that is charged with approving BP’s environmental restoration projects that this is unacceptable, and that none of the money BP owes to fix the environment should be spent to harm the environment.  Say no to the beachfront boondoggle!

The approval of Alabama's beachfront hotel and conference center from BP NRDA restoration funds is outrageous.  Please do not hold up critical and valuable ecosystem restoration projects by continuing to include this boondoggle in the BP early restoration projects. The approval of this project sets a horrible precedent for future NRD restoration efforts, and wastes a critical opportunity to address the massive impacts of the BP drilling disaster.

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