Viral Video Shows a Man Brutally Beating His Dog, Holding It by the Collar So It Cannot Escape

In a suburb just outside of Miami called Homestead, neighbors are still reeling from a viral video showing horrific, graphic animal abuse right in their backyards.

A man was filmed holding his small, defenseless dog by its collar as he rained punches down on its head, neck, and body over… and over… and over again.

Sign to demand justice for this poor dog, and other animals like it!

The video was posted by an Instagram page called "Only in Dade," which houses a combination of notable things happening in the Miami-Dade area. Described as 'citizen journalism,' the page covers everything from celebrity sightings, to news-worthy events, to crimes such as this one. And thanks to the video posted to "Only in Dade," horrific animal abuse was uncovered and spread wide. Now, we need to make sure that justice is served.

The video is so horrible, many news organizations have blurred out the action. The man can be seen restraining a small dog by its collar, threatening to close its airways. Then, he raises his arm high above his head and swings it down, crushing his fist into the poor animal. You can see the animal trying to escape, swinging its body around the man and the grip he has on its neck. It is truly heartbreaking to think about what this dog went through.

According to later reports, there were two dogs being kept on this man's property. Allegedly, the dogs were living in poor conditions in a makeshift kennel, and would fight with each other -- likely a sign of neglect, abuse, or poor conditions. So instead of changing their circumstances, separating them, or investing in training, their owner decided to beat one of them as punishment.

As of the time of this writing, there has been no arrest and it is unclear if the dog in the video is safe. This is totally unacceptable. We are calling for a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory counseling, since neighbors claim he has displayed this kind of abusive behavior before. For the safety of all animals in the Miami-Dade area, we ask authorities there to include these suggestions in this man's sentencing.

Sign the petition demanding justice for this abused dog and any other animals victimized by this man!
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