Tell EPA: Protect Our Families from Harmful Oil and Gas Pollution

Methane pollution from oil and gas operations is accelerating the pace of climate change and harming the health of our families and communities—and it is a problem that is only getting worse. 

Right now, EPA is working to finalize new standards to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from new and existing oil and gas operations. These standards would reduce methane pollution from sources covered by the rule by 87% below 2005 levels. EPA needs to know that we support these strengthened standards and want to see them finalized as quickly as possible.

Tell EPA to swiftly finalize strong, commonsense methane rules—to protect public health and ensure everyone's right to clean air.

Methane pollution from the oil and gas sector affects everyone in the US. It is accelerating the pace of climate change and harming the health of our families and frontline communities. As a parent, I'm urging you to finalize standards to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from oil and gas operations across the country. 

The updated draft rule is an improvement over the standards in EPA's 2021 draft rule. It ensures that all wells are regularly inspected for leaks and that outdated pneumatic equipment is replaced with zero-emitting options. But there is more work to be done to protect our communities.

EPA must listen to the concerns raised by hundreds of thousands of people over the last few months and further strengthen the proposed rule. This could be done by (1) eliminating pollution from routine flaring, (2) strengthening standards to address emissions at more tanks, and (3) ensuring that communities and individuals have a clear pathway to participate and engage in the Super Emitter Response Program.

I am counting on EPA to address these concerns and finalize the strongest possible rule by the end of summer. A strong rule will protect our children, our communities, and the climate.

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