ASK NOW THE PROVINCE OF FERRARA (Italy) the abolition of the plans of killing the fox hunting in den


Happy New Year to all of you.

Talking to Mr. Enrico Forlani, captain of the Ferrara OIPA guards, we believe that would be important that each of you could send an e-mail to the addresses with the text indicated in the "petition section" beside "overview section".

Well done. The signatures have been downloaded and mailed to OIPA which will be appointed to send an official mail to the Assessor and President of Province of Ferrara just this month.


Addressed to:

Assessore all’Agricoltura (delega caccia e pesca)

C.c … To

Presidente della Provincia di Ferrara

La stampa locale:   and and 


Dear Assessor Stefano Calderoni and President Marcella Zappaterra,
I write in support of Italian animal lovers (OIPA Italia) who are currently campaigning against the cruel practice of killing foxes by hunting and killing defenseless mothers and pups inside their dens. I ask that you use your voice to put an end to this unnecessary cruelty towards beautiful foxes. 
Please let the Province of Ferrara be known and visited for its beauty, its history, the sea, the beautiful nature, and the Renaissance works of art for which it is famous and renowned throughout Europe. 
When it comes to controlling fox populations, there are humane and ecological methods for this. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter:


(1)    The futility from the point of view ethological, ecological, ethical and scientific plans of killing, based on a distorted view of the environment in which man thinks he can act freely and arbitrarily, creating damage before and after, because no animal is harmful but is the result of a natural balance that has evolved over millions of years;

(2)    The The biological role of the fox which predator of other species such as rats and otters

(3)    The real reason why they killed the foxes because they feed the wildlife by hunters entered the territory for their "sport" (pheasants and hares);

(4)    The availability of alternative, environmentally friendly and humane, the application and verification of such methods is a priority for law than unnecessary culling pretext motivated by an alleged "supernumerary"

(5)    The cruelty of hunting with dogs in their burrows, for mothers and fox cubs (often torn to pieces by dogs), but also for the dogs themselves that come out badly wounded and maimed in bars;

(6)    The psychological and physical suffering and harm caused to dogs by the use of collars with spikes internal and / or electric shock prohibited by laws and regulations;

(7)    The possible implications for criminal violations of the law 189/2004, Art. 544bis and ter


The Italian Law 157/1992, article 19 does not provide the figure of the coadjutor, introduced only with the adoption of the Act by the Emilia Romagna Italian Region with art. 16 of L.R. 8/1994 and subsequent resolutions Provincial applied in an arbitrary and therefore not legitimate


a) The abolition of the plans of killing the fox hunting in dens and hay stacks

b) The transposition of Article. 19 of L. 11 February 1992, 157 "Direct control of the supervisory staff of the Province is guaranteed by the presence on site, when any withdrawal or reduction of at least one of the figures provided specifically article 19, second paragraph - Rules for the protection of wildlife and omeoterma for hunting.”

c) The application for a sign of recognition numbered at each end of fox down and his record in a register of public availability.

d) The ban on the sale, possession and use of collars with spikes internal and / or electric shock for any purpose


Addressed to:

Assessore all’Agricoltura (delega caccia e pesca)

C.c … To

Presidente della Provincia di Ferrara

La stampa locale:   and and 


Dear Assessor Stefano Calderoni and President Marcella Zappaterra,


I write in support of Italian animal lovers (OIPA Italia) who are currently campaigning against the cruel practice of killing foxes by hunting and killing defenseless mothers and pups inside their dens. I ask that you use your voice to put an end to this unnecessary cruelty towards beautiful foxes. 


Please let the Province of Ferrara be known and visited for its beauty, its history, the sea, the beautiful nature, and the Renaissance works of art for which it is famous and renowned throughout Europe. 


When it comes to controlling fox populations, there are humane and ecological methods for this. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter:




(1)    The futility from the point of view ethological, ecological, ethical and scientific plans of killing, based on a distorted view of the environment in which man thinks he can act freely and arbitrarily, creating damage before and after, because no animal is harmful but is the result of a natural balance that has evolved over millions of years;

(2)    The The biological role of the fox which predator of other species such as rats and otters

(3)    The real reason why they killed the foxes because they feed the wildlife by hunters entered the territory for their "sport" (pheasants and hares);

(4)    The availability of alternative, environmentally friendly and humane, the application and verification of such methods is a priority for law than unnecessary culling pretext motivated by an alleged "supernumerary"

(5)    The cruelty of hunting with dogs in their burrows, for mothers and fox cubs (often torn to pieces by dogs), but also for the dogs themselves that come out badly wounded and maimed in bars;

(6)    The psychological and physical suffering and harm caused to dogs by the use of collars with spikes internal and / or electric shock prohibited by laws and regulations;

(7)    The possible implications for criminal violations of the law 189/2004, Art. 544bis and ter


The Italian Law 157/1992, article 19 does not provide the figure of the coadjutor, introduced only with the adoption of the Act by the Emilia Romagna Italian Region with art. 16 of L.R. 8/1994 and subsequent resolutions Provincial applied in an arbitrary and therefore not legitimate


a) The abolition of the plans of killing the fox hunting in dens and hay stacks

b) The transposition of Article. 19 of L. 11 February 1992, 157 "Direct control of the supervisory staff of the Province is guaranteed by the presence on site, when any withdrawal or reduction of at least one of the figures provided specifically article 19, second paragraph - Rules for the protection of wildlife and omeoterma for hunting.”

c) The application for a sign of recognition numbered at each end of fox down and his record in a register of public availability.

d) The ban on the sale, possession and use of collars with spikes internal and / or electric shock for any purpose



Update #211 years ago
Happy New Year to all of you.
Talking to Mr. Enrico Forlani, captain of the Ferrara OIPA guards, we believe that would be important that each of you could send an e-mail to the addresses with the text indicated in the "petition section" beside "overview section".
Well done. The signatures have been downloaded and mailed to OIPA which will be appointed to send an official mail to the Assessor and President of Province of Ferrara just this month.
Update #111 years ago
Hi everybody, I thank very much each one of You for having been taking part by your prestigious signature to the topic of this petition. If we want to win we need to reach the target so, I suggest Only italian people to re-sign at this link . This international petition is conforming to that italian one.
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