Pledge to Vote No on 2109 - And Protect Washington's Education and Childcare Budget!

Are you a voter in Washington state? If so, you can stop a mega-millionaire hedge fund manager from giving himself and his buddies a special tax break while cutting billions from education and childcare.

Will you vote no on I-2109 by November 5th? Pledge to vote no now!

By voting no, you will stop I-2109 from:

  • Cutting more than $2.2 billion over 5 years from our education, childcare, and early learning
  • Giving a special tax break to about 4,000 of Washington's mega-millionaires and billionaires, less than 1% of us
  • Putting more pressure on the rest of us to make up the difference through property and sales taxes.
  • Repealing a modest 7% capital gains tax on Wall Street profits exceeding $250,000 that only applies to the very wealthiest Washingtonians. All real estate, farms, and retirement accounts are already exempted.
  • Taking resources from much needed childcare and our drained schools from Walla Walla to Port Angeles, reducing the workforce and impacting Washington's small businesses and economy. 

Paid for by Invest in Washington Now, 509 Olive Way Ste 1133 Seattle, WA 98101 Top Contributors: Washington Federation of State Employees, Washington Education Association, Service Employees International Union Washington State Council, Civic Ventures

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