Protect Louisiana's Coastal Program

Louisianians care deeply about our coast. Our wetlands protect our communities from storm surge and provide the backdrop for the vibrant culture and recreation that makes Louisiana unique.

But we are losing a football field of coastal wetlands every 100 minutes – and with that land goes vital storm protection for our communities and world-class wildlife habitat.

Louisiana has a Coastal Master Plan that is based on the best-available science and implements restoration projects that address our land loss crisis.

The keystone project in our Coastal Master Plan is the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD). This project will reconnect the Mississippi River with its sediment-starved wetlands to build new wetlands and sustain nearby marsh. The MBSD is the most studied and most important project in Louisiana's Coastal Master Plan, and it needs to be constructed without further delay.

Recent polling shows that Louisianians overwhelmingly support using projects like the MBSD – 80% of people support using sediment diversions.

MBSD is our best shot to rebuild Louisiana's Barataria Basin, which is losing land faster than almost anywhere on the planet.

Please join us and the people of Louisiana in supporting the science-based Coastal Master Plan and the projects it contains, including the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion.
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