RSPCA: It’s Time to Truly Stand for the Rights of ALL Animals! Stop Approving Meat and Other Animal Products!!

The RSPCA. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals…
In slaughterhouses, cattle are shot in the head with a bolt gun, hoisted up, hung upside down and have their throats cut. Pigs are lowered into gas chambers, where they scream in pain, and struggle and cry for their lives, before being hoisted up, hung upside down and have their throats cut. Sheep and some pigs are stunned with electric tongs and are hoisted up, hung upside down and have their throats cut. Terrified and distressed chickens, ducks and geese are stunned using an electrified water bath or gassed, and then shackled upside down and have their throats cut.
On "free-range" egg farms (at least, the ones that breed chickens), the male chicks are gassed or shredded alive because they won't ever lay eggs. All laying hens and breeding chickens on commercial farms (except the lucky minority who are rescued), whether they are free-range, organic, RSPCA-Approved, barn or factory-farmed all end up at the same place; the slaughterhouse, the animal death camp!
The Five Freedoms, as promoted by the RSPCA, are as follows:
1. Food and water.
2. Bed and shelter.
3. Health. To be protected from pain and harm.
4. To exhibit natural behaviour.
5. Company.
The animals at slaughterhouses may be fed, but they are there to be made into food, not to eat food. Some animals, whether legally or illegally, aren't fed suffix or given sufficient access to water when in transport.
There are no cosy beds at many slaughterhouses!
Do you really think that the pigs who scream and cry in the gas chambers, the animals who are insufficiently stunned, the birds who are debeaked, the poor chickens who suffer from leg deformities, the piglets who have their ears, tails and teeth cut, and the male piglets who are castrated, all without a drop of anaesthetic, the animals who suffer because of the vast amounts of weight that they are forced to put on are all not in any pain at all?
If the RSPCA really wants to protect all animals from all harm and cruelty, it's time for them to take a stance against animal agriculture and slaughter and stop approving meat and other animal products!

Update #11 years ago
I have just sent this petition to the RSPCA Freedom Foods - if you can, I kindly urge you all to please take the time out of your day/night to also contact them politely and effectively about this issue. Here is the email address:
Thank you and have an amazing day and night!
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