Red Zimbabwe's baby-olifantjes

Eerder dit jaar werden 24 jonge olifantjes, waarvan sommige net twee jaar oud, bij hun familie weg gehaald om te worden geëxporteerd, op weg naar een leven in gevangenschap.

Olifanten hebben een sterke band met hun familie, dit verlies is dramatisch voor de achtergebleven familieleden. De kans is klein dat de gevangen olifantjes hun reis zullen overleven.

Ongelooflijk genoeg zijn deze praktijken legaal, en het lijkt erop dat de Zimbabwaanse overheid van plan is om nog meer olifantjes te vangen en te exporteren.

Roep de Zimbabwaanse ministers van Milieu en Toerisme op om de export van baby-olifantjes te stoppen.
Dear Honourable Minister Kasukuwere and Honourable Minister Mzembi,

I am writing to urge you to do everything in your power to change Zimbabwe's policy of capturing wild elephants and exporting them to other countries.

On 6 July 2015, it was reported that Saviour Kasukuwere, Zimbabwe Minister for the Environment, confirmed that 24 wild elephants had been sent to China.

Elephants have deep family bonds, so the removal of these youngsters from their families will be devastating to both the captured elephants and their families left behind.

Survival chances for elephants taken into to captivity are very poor. Many will likely die. Some news reports state that one has already died.

We know enough about elephants to know that is cruel and unnecessary to seize wild elephants, especially babies, for a lifetime of captivity.

You have it within your power to urge the Republic of Zimbabwe to choose a kinder fate for young elephants and to develop more effective and environmentally responsible ways of raising funds for conservation.

Elephants are part of Zimbabwe's national heritage. Please use your power to protect your nation's elephants and do not allow their export.

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