Protect Elephants -- Don't Get Taken for a Ride

While elephant rides are a popular tourist activity, behind the scenes elephants are suffering.
Taken from their mothers at a young age, often from the wild, young elephants are isolated, starved and abused until their spirits are broken in a barbaric training method called the "crush".
They are controlled with fear and pain so that they'll perform and take people on their backs.
World Animal Protection investigated numerous venues throughout Southeast Asia and found this is standard practice across the industry.
For such intelligent, social animals this treatment is especially traumatic.
People take part in elephant rides often out of love for animals and a desire to experience them on holidays. The truth behind the training of elephants used for rides is hidden from sight.
Don't get taken for a ride.
Wild animals belong in the wild. There are better ways to experience elephants on holiday.
Approximately 3,000 elephants are suffering like this at cruel tourist attractions. That’s 3,000 reasons for us to take action this holiday season.
By pledging to protect elephants by never riding one, you are sending a clear message that we won't stand for this cruelty. Together we can move companies to stop selling cruel elephant rides and shows to tourists.
Protect elephants from being abused for our entertainment — Don't get taken for a ride. Sign the pledge today and help spread the word.
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