Tell the EPA: Adopt Strong Limits on Toxic Coal Ash Today!
Coal is already a very dirty source of energy, from mountaintop removal mining to global warming emissions when burned. But coal continues to haunt us even after it's burned. Coal ash sludge is the toxic waste left over after coal is burned for energy and presents a serious threat to clean water because it contains a laundry list of toxins such as mercury and arsenic.
Studies have found that high levels of these toxic contaminants and others were found in lakes and rivers located downstream from coal ash ponds across NC. In fact, all ten of Duke Energy's coal-burning power plants in NC are leaking pollutants into our rivers. The EPA has even acknowledged that existing safeguards are not up to date and have finally proposed the first ever national standards to limit toxics dumped into waterways from coal plants. The coal industry, however, is doing everything they can to stop these protections from becoming a reality.
Sign our petition to the EPA urging them to adopt the strongest possible protections on toxic coal ash today.
Dear [decision-maker],
We the undersigned, urge the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adopt the strongest possible protections on toxic coal ash and power plant water pollution. The best option proposed by the EPA is for power plants to install zero liquid discharge technology and convert to safer coal ash handling systems that will eliminate discharges of the most contaminated wastewaters entirely. The EPA, however, is currently proposing to choose a weaker option that includes less stringent standards and would fall short of what the Clean Water Act requires. Only by enacting the toughest standards proposed will the EPA fulfill its duty to protect our environment and public health from toxic coal ash pollution.
Studies have found that high levels of toxic contaminants were found in lakes and rivers located downstream from coal ash ponds across North Carolina.
It's time the EPA created stronger federal protections for coal ash. We urge you to enforce the strongest possible standards on toxic coal ash pollution.
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