Tell the World: Family Planning Saves Lives and Empowers Women

More than 99% of sexually active American women have used contraception at least once in their lifetime. But what if you or your partner didn't have access to contraception when you needed it? Imagine how not having the power to decide whether and when to have children would change your life. Hard to believe, but that's actually the case for 225 million women in developing countries.

Access to contraception is one of the most effective strategies for improving women's health and well-being—and since every 90 seconds a woman dies from preventable causes related to childbirth or pregnancy, having access to contraception can save a woman's life. When women are able to plan if or when they become pregnant, they are more likely to survive childbirth and have healthier babies — because they can wait until their bodies are ready. With access to contraception, they are also more likely to finish school and even earn more (...sometimes up to 40% more!).

So where's the family planning?! Take the pledge today to stand with the 225 million women in developing countries who want to determine whether and when to have children, but don't have access to contraception.
Today, I stand with 225 million women in developing countries who want to determine whether and when to have children, but don't have access to contraception. When a woman can choose the number of children she wants, not what her circumstances dictate, the possibilities for her future are infinite.

I pledge to raise awareness by raising my voice so that women everywhere can have an equal opportunity to realize their dreams. By asking: Where's the family planning?!, I shine light on the importance of expanding access to family planning for all women—regardless of where they live.

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