Say "No" to new CPUC "Service Quality Regulations" that Will Lead to Higher Prices and Make it Harder to Expand Wireless Coverage for Unserved Californians

Attention, California residents! We've got a big issue at hand. Some at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) are pushing new "service quality standards" for wireless services-which is "regulatory speak" for new state mandates on the wireless services consumers can get in the market today and the networks used to provide such services. These new CPUC regulations in docket number R2203016 could mean less choice and higher prices for California consumers.

While we appreciate the CPUC's efforts elsewhere to advance 'broadband for all,' if adopted, these new CPUC regulations will only widen the digital divide and reduce the availability and affordability of wireless services across the state by making it harder and more expensive to expand broadband access in California. Worse, these new mandates will put upward pressure to raise prices for consumers. No one wants that, especially now in this time of high inflation!

California should be lowering costs and removing regulatory barriers to building broadband networks and promoting consumer affordability, not creating new ones.

It's important to point out that these new CPUC regulations will not-and cannot-eliminate service disruptions, many of which are the result of the CPUC allowing electric companies to shut off commercial power during high winds or other disasters, among other causes. Moreover, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) already regulates wireless services nationwide, making CPUC's additional oversight completely unnecessary and a costly gamble for consumers.

In fact, the CPUC already said 'no' to these rules before, recognizing that competition among wireless service providers drives quality better than regulatory mandates. Since then, competition has only continued to expand, and Californians have more choices than ever at lower costs. Let's not mess with that.

We urge you to join us in opposing the CPUC's docket number R2203016 proposal. We need our Public Utilities Commissioners to recognize that consumers oppose these new regulations. Let them know that this proposal is misguided, and they should shift their focus to actions that drive further investment in wireless access, adoption and affordability.

Together, with the right common-sense, pro-competitive policies in place we can work towards closing the digital divide and ensuring broadband for all in California.
Dear Commissioner:

I've recently become aware of the proceeding on regulating wireless service (R.22-03-016) and am very concerned that new service quality regulations will result in higher prices and less coverage for Californians like me. The CPUC should be lowering costs and removing regulatory barriers to expanding wireless services, not creating new ones. While my wireless service may not be perfect, I have great voice quality, faster speeds, fewer disruptions and more coverage options than ever before. The CPUC does not need to come in and impose new costly service mandates for consumers like me. I already pay so much for food, housing, gas and other services and don't want to pay more for my wireless bill when there is no need. Therefore, as a fellow Californian, I'm writing to oppose the proposed new service quality standards for wireless services.

I respectfully urge you to drop the proceeding proposing new service quality standards as to wireless service.

Thank you for considering my request.


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