Help Protect National Wildlife Refuges From Private Oil and Gas Companies
Littered with rusty barrels oozing toxic chemicals and oil leaks covered up with garbage bags, many of our national wildlife refuges are in danger. For years, there has been little to no oversight of private oil and gas operations on federal land - but now the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is finally proposing to change that.
FWS has the authority to ensure that federally protected land is free of oil contamination and negligent behavior – and to hold oil and gas companies responsible for their actions!
Tell FWS to protect the wildlife, habitat and water that exist on national wildlife refuges from private oil and gas organizations!
Dear Director Ashe,
Subject: Support placing regulations on oil and gas companies in national wildlife refuges
As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife and someone who cares about wildlife and our national wildlife refuges, I strongly support the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to develop new regulations to better control oil and gas development of private, non-federal minerals underneath refuges where the FWS was unable to purchase the mineral rights. There are over 200 national wildlife refuges that have existing oil and gas infrastructure including 103 refuges and 4 wetland management districts that have active oil and gas wells. This development has resulted in toxic spills and habitat destruction and has left taxpayers to clean up the damage.
The FWS should establish reasonable regulations to require special use permits that direct operators to use the least environmentally damaging practices and technology, notify the FWS when they are on the refuge, plan for the removal of waste materials, develop emergency response and reclamation plans, post adequate bonds, and other reasonable restrictions and provisions.
The National Wildlife Refuge System is bigger than the National Park System and is critical to the conservation of countless species. It deserves strong protections, just like the Park System has.
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