Help Honor the Service of United States Foreign Service Officers

United States Foreign Service officers are the federal government's primary professional cadre charged with the conduct of U.S. diplomacy, representing the United States abroad in peace and war.

We are a small service, just 14,000 members (44% are women). It is the most expeditionary of all the services – some 70% of us are deployed abroad on any given day – and we are truly global with embassies in 175 countries.

The difficult work of diplomacy - of relationship building, patient negotiation and persistent advocacy - helps make peace possible.  Foreign Service officers project American values, defend American interests, and assist American citizens around the world, often at great personal risk. Congress now has the opportunity to honor this important work. 

Please join us today in urging Members of Congress to cosponsor and approve S.789/H.R. 3537, The United States Foreign Service Commemorative Coin Act. This bipartisan, budget-neutral legislation calls on the Secretary of the Treasury to mint a coin to commemorate this year's 100th Anniversary of the United States Foreign Service.

This coin will recognize a century of contributions and sacrifices by Foreign Service personnel and their families to advance America's prosperity and security. Aside from firefighters, no other unarmed civilian workforce faces such constant danger or has experienced such loss of life, sustained stress, injuries and health hazards as the United States Foreign Service.

We need your support to get Congress to act on S.789/H.R. 3537 at the earliest possible juncture. Please, sign today! 

Proceeds from the sale of the coin will support the work of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training (ADST), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 1986.  ADST is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to strengthening public appreciation of diplomacy's contribution to America's national interests - and enriching the professional knowledge of diplomatic practitioners through the recording and sharing of American diplomatic history.  

Dear Senator/Representative, 

I am writing to urge you to cosponsor S.789/H.R. 3537, The United States Foreign Service Commemorative Coin Act, introduced by Senators Chris Van Hollen, Dan Sullivan and Representative Abigail Spanberger. This bipartisan, budget-neutral legislation calls on the Secretary of the Treasury to mint a coin to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the United States Foreign Service, the federal government's primary professional cadre charged with the conduct of U.S. diplomacy, representing the United States abroad in peace and war and supporting the policies of the President.

This coin will recognize a century of contributions and sacrifices by Foreign Service personnel from across the country working to advance America's prosperity and security. Aside from firefighters, no other unarmed civilian workforce faces such constant danger or experiences such loss of life, sustained stress, injuries and health hazards as the United States Foreign Service. This commemorative coin is a tangible way to build public appreciation for diplomacy and highlight the importance of diplomacy to our national history. 

I strongly support this legislation and call on you to cosponsor S.789/H.R.3537, the United States Foreign Service Commemorative Coin Act, at the earliest possible juncture.

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