Tell Daniel Andrews... let's create jobs AND cut pollution

It's all too clear - climate change is already hurting people and nature. But now, we're facing another crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. 

The good news is that by investing in sustainable solutions, governments can create jobs today and build a healthier, cleaner future for our children and grandchildren.

But we need to act now, because fossil fuel companies are pushing for a gas-led recovery instead. 

Let's make sure our message comes across loud and clear – Victorians everywhere want clean energy, sustainable transport and more energy efficient homes.

Tell Premier Andrews to make jobs-rich climate solutions central to Victoria's pandemic recovery.
Dear Premier Andrews,

As you consider stimulus measures and reform opportunities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we urge you to make climate solutions central to Victoria's economic recovery.

While governments around the world have been responding to the pandemic, the climate crisis continues unabated. Action to cut pollution is as urgent as ever. 

Leading voices from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to presidents, mayors, CEOs and economists are calling for governments to seize this opportunity to embed climate solutions in COVID-19 economic recovery measures.

Victoria can do this with jobs-rich solutions to cut climate pollution, like building clean energy and sustainable transport, and making homes more energy efficient.

You can ensure we move rapidly towards net zero emissions, while reducing the risk of future climate shocks in Victoria. You can create more resilient Victorian communities, and ensure Victorian workers and industries are set up to thrive in the new clean, smart global economy.

Premier Daniel Andrews, I'm calling on you to take immediate action to make jobs-rich climate solutions central to Victoria's pandemic recovery.

Yours sincerely,
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