Urge The White House To Implement The Ban On Cruel Horse Soring
Bureaucratic inaction has disrupted the critical crackdown on horse soring – the cruel practice of intentionally injuring the hooves and limbs of Tennessee walking horses to induce the pain-based show gait known as the "Big Lick."
Earlier this month, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) finalized its anti-horse-soring rule, but sadly, the Office of Federal Register failed to publish the rule before the end of the Obama administration. As a result, it was swept up in a broader Trump administration policy to freeze any rulemaking actions still in progress.
When it comes to improving the lives of animals, you are needed now more than ever to protect the gains we’ve made together.
Please send a message to President Trump urging him to support and publish the horse soring rule.
Please implement the ban on horse soring
Dear President Trump,
I urge you to ensure the anti-horse-soring rule that the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced on January 13 is promptly published under your administration.
This important rule will make common-sense, low-cost reforms to finally end the appalling practice of "soring" – the cruel practice of intentionally injuring the hooves and limbs of Tennessee walking horses to induce the pain-based show gait known as the "Big Lick." Hundreds of members of Congress from both sides of the aisle supported finalization of this rule, as did more than 100,000 citizens, and these reforms mirror the key provisions of the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act – federal legislation that had overwhelming bipartisan support in the 114th Congress.
Mr. President, the stigma of soring has made the walking horse industry the pariah of the horse world. It has had a long-standing, adverse effect on the economic viability of this industry – driving down breeding and horse sale prices, attendance and corporate sponsorships at its major events. Every reputable horse industry and veterinary medical organization supports strengthening the law and regulations. There simply is no support for the status quo among them. Major law enforcement organizations, including the National Sheriffs' Association and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, also support the actions of the USDA and the PAST Act.
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