Help Protect Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales from Extinction

  • by: Oceana Canada
  • recipient: Minister Diane Lebouthillier and Minister Pablo Rodriguez
With fewer than 360 individuals left, North Atlantic right whales are among the most endangered large whale species on the planet. This year alone, nine right whales have been killed, including five calves, one of which was severely maimed by a boat.

For North Atlantic right whales, every day is a struggle for survival. Since 2017, a staggering 142 North Atlantic right whales have died, suffered serious injuries, or are in poor health. The crisis continues to worsen, with 2024 proving especially devastating.

North Atlantic right whales are on the brink of extinction and could disappear forever unless the Canadian government takes immediate action.

Entanglements in fishing gear and ship strikes are the leading causes of death for right whales - both of which are preventable. Currently, the federal government implements annual measures to protect them from these threats, however, protecting North Atlantic right whales is a long-term challenge that requires permanent solutions.

Join the fight to save these whales from extinction and call on the government to implement ropeless gear in areas where there is the highest risk of entanglement – allowing fishing and whales to co-exist. Demand permanent vessel slowdowns in Canadian waters when right whales are present to reduce deadly collisions with ships.

Act now, before these whales are lost forever.
Dear Minister Diane Lebouthillier and Minister Pablo Rodriguez,

North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered whales in the world, with only around 356 individuals left. Between 2017 and June 2024, a staggering 139 right whales have died, been seriously injured or are in poor health in U.S. and Canadian waters. There are currently 34 right whales with severe injuries or entanglements that are not expected to survive.

Fortunately, we know the problem - entanglements in fishing gear and vessel strikes are the two greatest threats to North Atlantic right whales. The Canadian government must save these whales. Protecting right whales is a long-term challenge that requires long-term solutions for the species to recover. The current approach of treating it as an annual emergency, requiring only annual measures, will not work.

As the heads of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Transport Canada, you are tasked with protecting these endangered whales from entanglements in fishing gear and ship strikes. Canada has the tools needed to change the trajectory of these whales from extinction to recovery.

That's why I am standing with Oceana Canada to call on you to take the following actions as soon as possible to protect critically endangered North Atlantic right whales:

  • Reduce the number of vertical lines used in fixed-gear fisheries by transitioning the industry to on-demand and ropeless fishing gear.

  • Create permanent vessels slowdowns when whales are in Canadian waters.

  • Continue to expand the use of a comprehensive array of technologies (including acoustic, satellite and infra-red) to look for right whales and to better understand their movements in Canadian waters.

Please stand up for North Atlantic right whales. Time is running out, and their survival depends on you.

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