Stop Kinder Morgan's Reckless Pipeline Project

400 extra super-tankers navigating along BC’s coastline each year. Another 590 000 barrels of bitumen moving through Canada, to be refined overseas. This is the reckless vision of Kinder Morgan’s risky pipeline project.
Kinder Morgan has proposed a 1150 km expansion of its pipeline between Alberta and Burnaby. Not surprisingly, the pro-pipeline Harper administration has expressed their support for this short-sighted development.
This project is a threat to our land and water.
Kinder Morgan — originally a branch of Enron — is a US-based corporation with a bad track record. Kinder Morgan pipelines have been the source of devastating spills — including spills along the very pipeline track which they are now looking to expand.
While Canadians take on the risks, Kinder Morgan will reap the economic benefits.
The Green Party of Canada is the only federal party opposing Kinder Morgan. Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May, Green Party of BC leader Adam Olsen and Green MLA Andrew Weaver will be fighting every step of the way to protect BC’s coastline.
Join our call — say no to pipelines and tankers. Add your name with thousands of other Canadians to tell the Harper administration that this pipeline project is not in your economic or environmental interest.
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