

Update #48 years ago

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Street animals : We need your help !!
CLICK HERE to support Street animals:

We need your help !! Trying to survive in difficult circumstances; Please support the derelict angel. !!
Update #38 years ago
Street animals : We need your help !! Trying to survive in difficult circumstances; Please support the derelict angel. !!

CLICK HERE to support Street animals: We want to live. We need your help !
Update #28 years ago
Please support and please share.
Help us publicize our voice to the world
Street animals : We need your help !! trying to live in difficult conditions, please help innocent

CLICK HERE to support Street animals:We want to live. We need your help !
Update #18 years ago
Many animals suffer every day on the street of . Sick, injured and abused, they have nowhere to go and no one to help them. Disregarded and abandoned, they are frail, frightened, hungry and hurting.

CLICK HERE to support Street animals:We want to live.We need your help !
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