You don't have to be a cop, a lawyer or a judge to fight animal cruelty. You just need to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. Ready to fight for animals?
Take the pledge!
I pledge to join the ASPCA in its steadfast commitment to end animal cruelty. I will do all that is possible to help the animals in my community. I will:
- -- Learn where to report animal cruelty in my area. (Hint: Your local humane organization is a good place to start.)
- -- Learn the signs of cruelty or neglect, when someone intentionally injures an animal or deprives an animal of food, water or medical care, and report it when I suspect I've seen it.
- -- Keep an eye on the animals in my neighborhood for signs of cruelty or neglect.
- -- Talk to the kids in my life about how to treat animals with respect.
- -- Support my local shelter or animal rescue organization.
Take the pledge today!