Tell Congress: Prevent Opioid Addiction Before It Starts With the NOPAIN Act

  • by: Voices for Non-Opioid Choices
  • recipient: Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and House Minority Leader McCarthy”

220 Americans died every day from an opioid-related overdose in 2021. But as the personal and economic toll of the opioid addiction crisis has grown, Congress has only focused on reactive solutions. 

We desperately need a new approach. We need to stop opioid addiction before it starts. And we need to do it NOW. 

The Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation ("NOPAIN") Act would expand access to safe, non-opioid pain management approaches.

Sign the petition now to tell Congress to enact the NOPAIN Act before the end of the year. Because every day we wait to act, we lose more Americans.

December 5, 2022


Dear Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and House Minority Leader McCarthy:


220 Americans died every day from an opioid-related overdose in 2021.


220 Americans… Every. Single. Day.


Over the past ten years, Congress has dedicated hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars towards this epidemic. But as the personal and economic toll of the opioid addiction crisis has grown, Congress has only focused on reactive solutions. We desperately need a new approach. We cannot simply throw money at the problem. Well-intentioned, costly efforts have been largely in vain, as the crisis shows no signs of slowing.


We need to start upstream, and stop opioid addiction before it starts. And we need to do it now.


The Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation ("NOPAIN") Act would accomplish just this. The NOPAIN Act (S. 586/H.R. 3259) will prevent opioid addiction in the country by encouraging the use of non-opioid pain management approaches.


We urge you to include this potentially life-saving legislation in any year-end legislative package.


The time is now: we cannot afford to wait another minute.


Because lives are on the line.

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