Pledge Your Support with NAF - Help Unlock Opportunities for High School Students

Diana Ramos, a 2018 Alumni Award winner, shared her personal story of how her NAF academy and its engineering pathway changed her life when she accepted the award at NAF Next that year. The daughter of Mexican immigrants, Diana was initially isolated and lacked access to resources, but NAF's focus on providing hands-on training and career access in the field of engineering was life changing. Her passion for engineering, and the access to mentors and education provided by NAF, led Diana to receive a full scholarship to the University of Southern California.

"When you live near or below the poverty line, far from the resources most people take for granted, it can get to you," said Diana. "Because of my NAF Academy, I am the first person in my family to go to college."

Diana went on to earn a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering and a master's degree in Engineering Management.

NAF's mission is critical - it bridges the gap between students of all backgrounds and capabilities, especially for students in under-resourced communities, and helps unlock their full potential. NAF's focus on technical education and real-world experience is vital for students to succeed and achieve their goals. Diana intends to pay it forward by continuing to advocate for NAF's mission.

"It's because of my NAF academy that I got here so fast," said Diana. "Thank you, NAF, for sending the elevator of success back down to everybody so we can all rise together."

NAF is a national education non-profit that works to ensure high school students are ready for college, careers, or whatever future they choose. We know our work works; during the 2021-22 school year, over 120,000 students attended 618 NAF academies across 38 states and territories. In 2021, NAF academies reported 99% of seniors graduated with 87% of graduates planning to go to college.

Now you can ensure another student has access to the opportunities to Name a Future, like Diana did. Sign the pledge today to help students like her achieve their goals through NAF.
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