The NSW government must stop runaway land clearing now

The NSW Government is currently deciding whether to continue to allow runaway land clearing enabled by the previous government.

You can make a huge impact by contacting key members of the Minns government  TODAY!

The former Coalition government introduced the current laws that led to skyrocketing rates of deforestation. The current government now has the opportunity to fulfill its election promise to fix them.

These reforms have seen habitat clearing become the biggest cause of environmental loss in the state. 50 million trees and an area the size of Newcastle is being destroyed every year. Countless animals, including koalas, gliders, possums, and birds, are being left homeless.

Australia is the only developed nation named as a 'global deforestation hotspot', and NSW is the worst-ranked state in the country. We need to ditch this shameful title now!

IFAW and other leading organisations in the Alliance for Nature NSW are calling on you to add your voice to our collective push for government action.

Tell the Premier Chris Minns, Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty, and Environment Minister Penny Sharpe that you expect them to deliver on their election commitment.

Dear Premier,  

I am writing to you as one of the International Fund for Animal Welfare's (IFAW) 100,000 supporters in New South Wales.

I want to voice my extreme frustration at NSW Labor for so far failing to deliver on their election promise to "stop runaway land clearing" and "fix the biodiversity offset scheme".  

I welcome this commitment, which I took as an indication that you intended to follow in the footsteps of previous NSW Labor governments and take decisive action to protect nature.  

However, your government has so far failed to even reintroduce the laws enacted by the Carr government, which were sadly undone in 2016 by John Barilaro.  

I urge you to go further than this and deliver reform reflective of the scale of biodiversity loss in our state, and the ongoing impact of climate change. 

NSW is now losing 50 million trees, or almost 100 000 ha per annum to land clearing -  stripping wildlife of their homes and releasing over 7million tonnes of greenhouse emissions.  

The time for talk is over, we need urgent action.  

I urge the NSW government to end the loopholes that allow the self-assessment of land before it is cleared. Code-based clearing must be immediately stopped in all threatened ecological communities. 

We need a clear pathway to halt and reverse all deforestation by 2030, in line with our international biodiversity commitments.  

The current destruction cannot go on, we need urgent action.

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