The National Park Service Must Finally End These Cruel Hunting Practices in Alaska's National Preserves

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: The National Park Service

The National Park Service recently took an important step for wildlife conservation by banning bear baiting in Alaska's national preserves – a practice where hunters use bait to lure and easily kill brown and black bears. However, this new rule does not go far enough. Other brutal bear hunting practices are still completely legal, like killing hibernating mother black bears and their cubs.

Sign this petition to urge the National Park Service to ban all cruel hunting methods in Alaska's national preserves!

Despite the recent progress, the fact that certain practices continue – such as the slaughter of entire families of wolves and coyotes at their den sites – it is clear not enough is being done to protect our wildlife. These practices not only cause immense suffering to individual animals but also disrupt the ecological balance, affecting entire wildlife populations.

Scientific evidence and wildlife experts agree: killing predators to boost prey populations, also known as "predator control" is both ineffective and ecologically harmful. We must end the unnecessary, harmful hunting of native carnivores in the United States.

Sign the petition to demand the National Park Service immediately implement a comprehensive ban on all inhumane hunting practices.

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