Bring All Domestic Beers Back To Oklahoma Liquor Stores
- by: Chris Benkendorf
- recipient: Richard Moore, Chairman, Alcoholic Beverages Law Enforcement Commission
This petition is intended for the ABLE Commission and the Oklahoma State Legislature to amend sections of Title 37 which would bring back regular-strength brands such as Budweiser to liquor stores in Oklahoma. Must be an Oklahoma resident to sign.
In 1977, a court dispute errupted between an Ardmore wholsesale distributor and Coors after Coors refused to fill an order for beer, stating they already had a wholesale distributor in the area. The judge ruled in the distributors favor, citing a law in Title 37 that prohibits franchising with distributors. Under Oklahoma law, alcoholic beverages stronger than 3.2% ABW must be sold to any wholesale distributor in Oklahoma that desires to purchase and distribute the beverage to liquor stores. After the judge ruled against Coors, Coors voluntarily pulled their 5% beer (nicknamed 6 point beer) out of Oklahoma. Anheuser-Busch and Miller followed. Oklahoma is only one of two states (Utah) that prohibit franchising between distributors. These three breweries still sell 3.2% ABW beer in Oklahoma because 3.2% ABW beverages are not regulated by the ABLE Commission. This petition is intended to change that law, allowing Busch, Coors and Miller to establish sales territories with wholsesale distributors. Brands such as Budweiser and MGD will then be available in liquor stores across Oklahoma. There is another petition on this site intended to allow liquor stores to sell cold beer (Oklahomans For Refridgerated Beverages). Please sign both petitions and help change Oklahoma for responsible beer consumers.
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