Pledge An End to Violence in Gaza

The situation in Gaza is dire.

Since October, more than 80,000 people have been injured and the population has been deprived of drinking water, food, and medical equipment. Nowhere is safe. Most Gazans are starving.

Amidst the devastating humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding before our eyes, we need to come together and demand a lasting ceasefire in Gaza now.

Sign the petition and join us in demanding an end to the violence. Only a sustained ceasefire can stop the further loss of life and ensure that aid reaches those in urgent need.

Our staff in Gaza are seeing innocent civilians trapped in a nightmare with nowhere to go. Most of the population live in crowded 'tent cities' and are barely surviving. They rely on  aid for their very lives.

When you visit the tent cities, all you see are thousands upon thousands of people with injuries going untreated, amputees with no medical care and mothers going for days without food so their children can eat a few scraps.

In one displacement camp, nearly 70,000 people are crammed together in an area smaller than a football field, with only 11 makeshift toilets.

Safe, unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid is urgently needed and should be allowed through all border crossing points available. And yet, every day, there are long queues and only a few trucks are able to enter.

We cannot stand by and watch this happen. We need to put our voices together and call on all Heads of State and Parties to the conflict to stop the bloodshed and allow vital humanitarian aid into Gaza immediately.

Only a lasting ceasefire by all parties to the conflict can begin to address the massive needs and end the humanitarian catastrophe.

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