Legislate Internet Harassment

Internet harrasment should be punishable under the same laws as postal or telephone harrasment.
My name is Dennis P. McCann. For well over five years a single person has targeted myself, many discussion groups that I run, and many members of those groups. Her tactics include, but are not limited to the following: Libel, Defamation of Character, Copyright Infringement, Identity Theft, Forgery, Uploading Obscene Photos, Setting
Obscene Reminders to Discussion Groups, Subscribing People to Unwanted Porn eZines, Sending Obscene eCards, and the use of illegal Fake
Email Programs. Why has this been allowed to continue? The reason is simple. The law has not caught up to the technology. While agencies attempt to determine who has jurisdiction, people like this person continue to commit crimes. This must end.
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