This Kid Calms Local Shelter Pets' Anxiety with Live Music Performances. More Shelters Should Follow Suit!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Houston, Texas area animal shelters
A young boy in Texas recently discovered a new way to provide calm and kindness to orphaned shelter pets. The answer: go in and play them live music!

This boy's idea was ingenious, kind-hearted, and extremely effective at reducing stress for the caged animals. More animal shelters must follow suit!

Yuvi Agarwal started playing piano and drums around the age of 4, and by the time he was a mere 10 years old, he'd made a decision: "I decided to basically play music for the animals ... a melodious instrument such as piano, guitar, steel pan, and that will reduce their anxiety."

He spent months volunteering at local animal shelters, playing soothing tunes for the pups awaiting forever homes. And local animal shelters noticed the positive effect immediately.

According to the Executive Director of a Houston-area shelter, staff had tried playing pre-recorded classical music through speakers for the animals - but nothing compared to the calming wonders of this 10-year-old's music.

Living in a shelter is inherently stressful. Bright lights, sterile smells, the sounds and presence of dozens of other animals, as well as an unpredictable parade of people in and out. Unhoused pets deserve the beautiful help that young Agarwal is able to provide - but even this sweetheart of a child unfortunately can't play for all the animals of Houston, Texas.

That's why we're asking more local shelters to become inspired by the little boy's musical initiative, and launch similar programs of their own! Sign the petition now!
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