Tell the VA: NO changes to the reimbursement rate until CMS releases its cost data report!

Veterans and rural Americans are at risk if the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs proceeds with a plan to slash its reimbursement rate for air ambulances. There is still time to shape this decision.

Given that government payors account for roughly 75 percent of all emergency transports, the change would greatly impact patients' ability to access these lifesaving services.

If this proposal moves forward, it will further jeopardize the ability of air medical providers to operate in rural and underserved communities. This stands to impact access for more than 85 million Americans, including many of our nation's veterans, who live far from the nearest trauma center.

The No Surprises Act, in addition to protecting patients from surprise medical bills, requires air medical companies to submit their transport cost data to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS is mandated by law to publish a report on the data - something that has never been done before on this scale.

Sign now to contact the VA and your member of Congress, and urge them to delay changing the reimbursement rate until the HHS report is published!
I am writing to raise concerns about the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' plan to cut its reimbursement rate for emergency air medical services to be in line with Medicare, which currently reimburses providers at less than 50 percent of operating costs. Given that government payors account for roughly 75 percent of all emergency transports, the change would greatly impact patients' ability to access these lifesaving services.

If this proposal moves forward, it will further jeopardize the ability of air medical providers to operate in rural and underserved communities. This stands to impact access for more than 85 million Americans, including many of our nation's veterans, who live far from the nearest trauma center.

The No Surprises Act, in addition to protecting patients from surprise medical bills, requires air medical companies to submit their transport cost data to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS is mandated by law to publish a report on the data - something that has never been done before on this scale.

Please delay changing the reimbursement rate until the HHS report is published.


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