• by: Emma Ortega
  • recipient: George W. Bush, President, USA, USA, Executive Branch
Attention Mr. Bush:

We, the citizens of this world -- demand that you immediately stop this bombing of innocent women and children in Afghanistan and put a stop to this cycle of violence. We demand that you help the Afghans get out of their poverty, instead of bombing them; we say that the way to avoid wars in the future is by helping the people of impoverished nations, instead of exploiting them.

Attention Mr. Bush:

We, the citizens of this world -- from different races, cultures, ethnicity, faiths and background -- address the following to the American President George Bush, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and to the other coalition leaders: is it too much to ask for a future without hunger, without bombs, without wars, without fear, a future without violence for our children?

We therefore, demand that you immediately stop the bombing of innocent women and children in Afghanistan and put a stop to this cycle of violence. We demand that you help the Afghans get out of their poverty, instead of bombing them; we say that the way to avoid wars in the future is by helping the people of impoverished nations, instead of exploiting them.

Teach our children by example. Teach them nonviolence instead of how to react violently and with revenge. Show them that differences and conflicts among nations as well as among individuals can be resolved peacefully.

We always hear that the children are the future; we say, that yes, they are indeed the future, but that future depends on what you -- our leaders -- do today. If you do an act of war today, then our children's future will be all about wars, too. Mr. Bush, you reap what you sow, remember?

We the undersigned, therefore make this demand before the world: STOP WAR NOW!

The Undersigned

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