DEMAND Justice For 12 year old Border Collie ZELDA Viciously Drowned In River By WILLIAM MEEK A Viol

  • by: Cheryl Ann
  • recipient: Sacramento District Attorney's Office

William Meek, 47, was arrested in Reno, NV in connection with the drowning death of 12 year old Zelda, his girlfriends dog, who claims she had asked him to surrender the dog to the shelter.  Apparently, he choose to murder this senior Border Collie by tying the dog to a bowling bowl and drowning her in the American River. Detectives have described him as a violent man with two outstanding warrants, one for mailicious maiming of animals in Sacramento. He is currently awaiting extradition to California. This heartless man tied a bag with a bowling bowl and a rock around her neck and threw her into the river like a piece of trash.  A necropsy confirmed she was alive when she entered the river, but later drowned and suffered trauma to her neck, presumably from her struggles to free herself from the weight pulling her underwater. 

Being a repeat offender for animal abuse with a history of violence this man clearly deserves the maximum penalty allowed by law. Please help me send a message to the Sacramento Sheriff's Department that we are going to be following this case to ensure there is justice for Zelda.   May she rest in peace now.

Thank you to Marissa Lang - ( at the Sacramento Bee for her article dated 11/05/2014 and Nevada Senator Mark Manendo for sharing it on Twitter. 

#Justice4Zelda #WilliamMeek

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