Our city’s most vulnerable population needs your care. Show your support for homebound elderly New Yorkers like Thomastine.

At 94 years old, Thomastine has seen the city transform. She can still remember the clinking of glass milk bottles being delivered on her family's stoop. "We lived in Brooklyn when they had cobblestone streets and horse drawn wagons," she laughs.

Now that her husband Arthur has passed away, Thomastine is alone.

Once a caregiver for Arthur and her family, she now relies on Citymeals to provide for
her. Thomastine says she is grateful for the meals and the few minutes of conversation with her meal deliverers. 

Your compassionate support ensures vulnerable older New Yorkers like Thomastine never have to face a day without a nourishing meal. Nearly 20,000 homebound elderly New Yorkers count on Citymeals.

Add your name today to pledge your support for Citymeals work to provide care to homebound elderly New Yorkers. 

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