Stop shooting our dogs..

  • by: Debbie Campo-Belcher
  • recipient: U.S. Senate and Legislative Branch U.S.Federal Government and The Office of the Deputy Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Congress

These police departments have left a trail of heartbroken, grieving and angry people in their wake. The reason for the shootings? One officer said it well when he was speaking of a dog he just shot, “they are in the way”. That is precisely what is happening. The dog is in the way of their pursuit of someone or in their police work. I personally do not trust the police any longer and neither do a lot of people I know, including my daughter. Our kids need to be able to depend on law enforcement to protect and serve but all the children today hear about it this officer shot and killed someone's dog. This is all we hear lately on the news or Facebook, or YouTube, etc. It needs to stop.

These police departments have left a trail of heartbroken, grieving and angry people in their wake. The reason for the shootings? One officer said it well when he was speaking of a dog he just shot, “they are in the way”. That is precisely what is happening. The dog is in the way of their pursuit of someone or in their police work.

When cops take the risk of going in backyards, they must know that it would be a natural response for a dog to bark or growl at an intruder. But instead of knocking on the door so the owner can get the dog inside or instead of knowing how to encounter a dog who is obviously protecting his/her property, the dog is shot to simply get the dog out of the way. In most incidences where the cop calls a dog aggressive and the dog never showed aggressive tendencies before or those outside the family are saying the dog is not aggressive, the cop is making a bad call and kills the dog because they don’t understand dog behavior.

There have been witnesses who tell one version of a shooting incident saying the dog was not being aggressive and yet the cop is saying the dog was aggressive. really?!! Dash cams, and video have proven the false statements of officers who say the dog was being aggressive and yet they are dismissed of any wrong doing. Some dogs lay dying while the officer pumps more bullets into the wounded dog, making sure he/she is dead. Isn’t the use of a gun supposed to be the last resort and yet time and time again it is the first response? Aren’t they only supposed to remove a threat? If that is true why are they continuing their assault on a dog who is obviously not moving and in one case the dog was wagging her tail when the officer shot the fatal shot. On many incidences the officer will not allow the grieving owner to go to his/ her dog after the dog has been shot. This is outrageous.

If the dog had been taken to a vet that dog would have survived. Not only that, but to see your family member lying there in pain dying and you can’t comfort them is tormenting and is the misuse of power and authority by the officer. This kind of police brutality and bullying has gone too far and it is “police bullying.” The citizens of the United States are angry and disgusted that nothing is being done to stop this epidemic of bad cops who target innocent dogs because they don’t understand dog behavior or because they have an unhealthy fear of dogs.

Instead, cops who do such a cruel act on innocent dogs are not disciplined and remain on the job even though they have committed a criminal offense of animal cruelty.

We want justice. We want this to stop. Dogs are our family members and if we have to be afraid that a cop will go into our back yard or into our homes and even when our dog has been on leashes and they shoot our dogs, then more and more people will fear calling the police and will take matters into their own hands. In a handful of police stations across America they are implementing police and dog encounter training. This is a start although the training is still not completely adequately long enough to ensure solid training .

We are asking that training for any kind of dog encounter be mandatory throughout every state and in every police department. It once was known and accepted as normal dog behavior when dogs protected their property and barked or growled at intruders; now they were not shot. What happened? why this incline in police animal cruelty?


I am asking you to please make it mandatory in your state to educate and train our local police to handle our domestic animals in a non-lethal manner. The abuse and killing of thousands of loving family pets a year due to lack of education and training of our local police departments is going unpunished and ignored by our legal system. Our families once honored and respected police to serve and protect us but the abuse of power and brutal murder of our family pets is going unheard and children, the future adults, are the very ones who are being affected the most by the actions of police.

Our poor animals are inhumanely handled and killed every day by police and our children especially do not understand this brutal crime. Animals did not ask for this cruel ending for acting like animals and we the people are being betrayed by government paid employees, that we once trusted to serve and protect our families. If every state would come together and make this training a law, the honor and respect for our local police could be restored as we the people could again unite to support and honor our once heroes.

"Evil only prevails when good men do nothing." Please hear our voices and help us save our family pets and educate government workers so we as citizens of our states may stand united together to serve and protect each other and support the local police departments.

We are also asking that the police use tranquilizers to put the dog to sleep temporarily so it can be returned to the family not shot and killed as these are our family pets, we don't kill wild animals they are tranquilized and transported back to where they come from, why can't we do the same for our family pets/dogs. All you have to do is do a search online and you will see how many dogs were shot and killed when they did not need to be. We hear about this daily, it is happening everywhere and it's because no one is doing a thing about it. These officers are shooting innocent animals right in front of the families and children. Majority of the shootings that take place the dogs are not even doing anything, we also hear about the officers slashing the dogs by the throat, something has to be done about this, the police policy states they are allowed to shoot if necessary....they are taking advantage and shooting even though they did not need to do so.....These are family members. These aren't "just dogs".
There is another solution. Animal control officers should be called to assist. Police officers need proper training on how to humanely secure the dog. These cops could even use a Taser Gun on the dog to spare it's life, so many solutions, they are too eager to shoot and some like i and laugh about it or sit there and watch it suffer while bleeding out.

This is wrong!!

Thank you again for hearing our concerns. We are the voices of the voiceless, our children and our pets that we love as our family members.

Stop Law Enforcement From Shooting Dogs!

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