This petition serves one purpose. To stop the skinning of animals whilst they are still alive. There

  • by: Norma Personal
  • recipient: the Petition: Petitioning: To Chinese Goverment, president of China Ma Ying-jeou, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping, and Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Keqiang. Why is it needed? Look no furthe


"26 November 2014 3.00 in the afternoon: Maomao is sold to a restaurant owner, after being stolen from her Loving Family that morning.
While fully conscious, the trusting loved pet who only knew kindness from her owners was tied to a pole and the dog butcher seized her left hind paw and began to slowly sawing through her fur and flesh and sinews, cutting tendons and veins and sawing into her bones as she screamed in agony, unable to save herself from this horror.
Slipping in her own blood, she fell to the ground in blinding pain as her lower left leg was severed and tossed aside.
The butcher was only using a small knife, which proves none of the cuts were clean cuts or rapid. It is impossible to severe a dog’s legs with any speed while only using a small knife. Remember: this dog was FULLY CONSCIOUS!
The Chinese dog butcher then seized Maomao’s right hind paw (top photograph) and slowly began severing that as well, sawing through her ‘live’ bones. Maomao’s blood curdling screams for help fell on deaf ears. Reports show some passersby stopped to observe and then continued walking on without getting involved, completely lacking in basic empathy.
Look at the dog’s face in the photos. She is awake and fully aware. She is in shock and completely not knowing how to defend herself. This was a dog who only knew love from people. Her life revolved around pleasing people, who she loved in return. Her loyalty was repaid in agony from this bastard!
The butcher then continued to saw off both of Maomao’s front legs too – one by one. The dog was now laying in her own blood, with all four paws and lower limbs severed off!
The butcher then strung the still alive Maomao up, and peeled her skin off her as though he was peeling a banana.
In the middle of all this, one man took pity and offered the butcher EU65.00 for the dog but the butcher REFUSED! (EU65.oo was all the money the man had on him at the time.)
Maomao’s owner utterly devastated! He went to the police but was given the run-around and told to wait until after the weekend, before they could even look at his case.
Flanked by close friends, four days later (November 30th), Maomao’s owner confronted the dog butcher / restaurant owner, who became indignant at being accused of inflicting cruelty. The butcher puffed himself up and arrogantly said he didn’t buy dead dogs. “Cutting up live dogs is my usual practice to guarantee the freshness of the meat,” said the despicable dog butcher.
Please sign all petitions! This cannot be allowed to Continue!


"26 November 2014 3.00 in the afternoon: Maomao is sold to a restaurant owner, after being stolen from her Loving Family that morning.
While fully conscious, the trusting loved pet who only knew kindness from her owners was tied to a pole and the dog butcher seized her left hind paw and began to slowly sawing through her fur and flesh and sinews, cutting tendons and veins and sawing into her bones as she screamed in agony, unable to save herself from this horror.
Slipping in her own blood, she fell to the ground in blinding pain as her lower left leg was severed and tossed aside.
The butcher was only using a small knife, which proves none of the cuts were clean cuts or rapid. It is impossible to severe a dog’s legs with any speed while only using a small knife. Remember: this dog was FULLY CONSCIOUS!
The Chinese dog butcher then seized Maomao’s right hind paw (top photograph) and slowly began severing that as well, sawing through her ‘live’ bones. Maomao’s blood curdling screams for help fell on deaf ears. Reports show some passersby stopped to observe and then continued walking on without getting involved, completely lacking in basic empathy.
Look at the dog’s face in the photos. She is awake and fully aware. She is in shock and completely not knowing how to defend herself. This was a dog who only knew love from people. Her life revolved around pleasing people, who she loved in return. Her loyalty was repaid in agony from this bastard!
The butcher then continued to saw off both of Maomao’s front legs too – one by one. The dog was now laying in her own blood, with all four paws and lower limbs severed off!
The butcher then strung the still alive Maomao up, and peeled her skin off her as though he was peeling a banana.
In the middle of all this, one man took pity and offered the butcher EU65.00 for the dog but the butcher REFUSED! (EU65.oo was all the money the man had on him at the time.)
Maomao’s owner utterly devastated! He went to the police but was given the run-around and told to wait until after the weekend, before they could even look at his case.
Flanked by close friends, four days later (November 30th), Maomao’s owner confronted the dog butcher / restaurant owner, who became indignant at being accused of inflicting cruelty. The butcher puffed himself up and arrogantly said he didn’t buy dead dogs. “Cutting up live dogs is my usual practice to guarantee the freshness of the meat,” said the despicable dog butcher.
Please sign all petitions! This cannot be allowed to Continue!

Update #110 years ago
Thank you so much everyone for, caring and demanding Justest .for Maomao..and making change..for the Voiceless.We are at 1,655. and needing more....lets keep signing....
Thank You!
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