Return Wildlife and Environmental Decisions to the Experts

After a recent Supreme Court ruling, the laws that aim to protect the health of our communities, environment, and wildlife are in danger.

The discretion to interpret these crucial laws has been taken away from experts and scientists at federal agencies, and put in the hands of a patchwork of judges who do not have the knowledge or training to decide on important issues like mercury emissions, lead in water, or the habitats of endangered species. But it is not too late. Congress can still blunt the effects of the Supreme Court's recent ruling.

Please urge your representatives in Congress to act quickly to restore scientists' and experts' authority to interpret laws— for our nation's air, land, water, and wildlife.
Subject: Restore scientists' and experts' authority to interpret law

Dear Legislator,

The Supreme Court ruling in Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce has put wildlife, public health, and communities at risk by replacing sound science and expertise with uncertainty, confusion, and the opinions of a patchwork of judges across the country when interpreting bedrock environmental laws. The burden of these new risks will fall hardest on people who can least afford it — such as Indigenous communities, communities of color, and frontline communities already suffering from the impacts of harmful pollution.

That's why I'm calling on you, my representative in Congress, to use your power to clarify the law and return this deference to the experts and scientists in our government best equipped to interpret our environmental laws and policies. If you fail to act, wildlife and people will face a harsher world and a dangerous future resulting from this decision to undermine long-standing protections for our air, lands, water, wildlife, and communities.

Will you commit to working with your colleagues in Congress to protect wildlife and our communities by restoring the authority of agency experts and scientists?

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