Help Our National Parks Get the Funding They Deserve

America's National Park System is challenged by many threats including chronic funding shortfalls, the effects of climate change, air and water pollution, and incompatible development adjacent to parks.

As the National Park Service enters its second century, Congress should ensure these national treasures have the strong, adequate funding they need and deserve. Funding for more park rangers and to fix park roads, to continue to protect clean park water, and to establish more parks that preserve our lands and shared history.

Please join the National Parks Conservation Association and send a message to your Senators and Representative that our national parks matter. It's a simple action, and one that can have a lasting effect on the future of our national parks.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I care about our national parks. National treasures like Yosemite, the National Mall, and Gettysburg are some of our most beautiful places and represent defining moments in our country's history.

I urge you to work with our other elected leaders to help protect our national parks. We must protect places like Shenandoah National Park from the effects of pollution. We must take action to address the effects of global warming on places like Glacier and Joshua Tree National Parks. We must reinvest in our historic and cultural sites like Valley Forge. We must preserve places like the Everglades, which is home to endangered species and natural wonders. And we need your help to restore the entire National Park System by providing the funding and protections necessary to preserve these special places for our children and grandchildren.

The National Park System is one of the best ideas America ever had. That vision for the national parks must live on, if we are to preserve these special places well into their second century. The time to work together is now.

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