Harper: Put Down Your Forkful of Seal Meat and End the Slaughter NOW!

  • by: Care2.com
  • recipient: Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Recently, the Canadian Parliament was served up a fresh plate of...seal meat?

And you thought your cafeteria food was bad.

The MP's ate seal meat to show solidarity and support for the Canadian commercial seal slaughter amid battles with the EU, who has banned imports of seal products. Although the seal hunt claims to be sustainable, humane, and a significant income for isolated communities, nothing could be further from the truth. Here are some facts about the seal slaughter:

* The Canadian commercial seal hunt is the largest marine-mammal slaughter in the world.

* 98% of harp seals killed are under 3 months old.

* The hunt is wasteful: Hunters are usually only interested in their pelts as there is no market for seal meat. They leave the ice littered with carcasses.

* In the area where 90% of seal hunters live, the revenues from seal hunting add up to less than one percent of gross domestic product.

The seal hunt is incredibly cruel, unsustainable, and does not provide significant financial benefits for Canada or the Canadian sealers. The slaughter needs to end now. Tell Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to stand up against the seal hunt and end this cruel, unnecessary practice.

Dear Prime Minister Harper,

During the week of March 8, 2010, the Canadian Parliament was served seal meat for lunch. Although the seal hunt claims to be sustainable, humane, and a significant income for isolated communities, nothing could be further from the truth. Here are some facts about the seal slaughter:

* The Canadian commercial seal hunt is the largest marine-mammal slaughter in the world.

* The hunt is reducing the seal population and is therefore not sustainable.

* 98% of harp seals killed are under 3 months old.

* The seals are beaten to death with clubs or shot, often from moving boats, so that they are left to die slow, agonizing deaths.

* The hunt is wasteful: seals often sink below the water surface and are never recovered. Of the seals the hunters do recover, the majority of carcasses are left to litter the ice. Hunters are usually only interested in their pelts as there is no market for seal meat.

* Only a very small number of fisherman actually participate in and benefit financially from the seal slaughter.

* In the area where 90% of seal hunters live, the revenues from seal hunting add up to less than one percent of gross domestic product.

* Any profits from the seal hunt are offset by large government subsidies.

* The slaughter generates low economic returns for Canada and individual sealers.

[your comments]

The seal hunt is incredibly cruel, unsustainable, and does not provide significant financial benefits for Canada or the Canadian sealers. The slaughter needs to end now. Stand up against the seal hunt and end this cruel, unnecessary practice.
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