Urge the AKC, USDAA and other agility organizations to put an end to the use of the chute (collapsed tunnel) in Dog Agility!!

The chute (collapsed tunnel) is one of the most dangerous obstacles in use in dog agility. It is more than time for this obstacle to be banned from agility competitions in the United States and abroad. Our dogs are important to us personally and emotionally. They are more than just tools to use in the sport of agility; they are family, and we must do the best we can to look out for their welfare.

Although the obstacle has always been dangerous, with the speed the sport is played today, it is even more so. Dogs are constantly tumbled and bruised. Muscles and ligaments are overextended and torn. Backs injured, lameness, fabric burns and worse can occur.

Please lend your support to this petition to ban the use of the collapsed tunnel and sign this petition and share it if you believe that the chute should be banned in dog agility.

Put simply, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. It has long outlasted its place in the agility arena.

Romi Hirayama's video with examples of bad chute pictures

Cover picture by Scott Klar

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