Demand House of Representatives to Amend H.R. 9307: Ensure Equitable Access to Education for All Students!

This proposed bill leaves out students who need support the most, including those in underfunded areas and adults seeking education to improve their lives. Everyone should have the opportunity to succeed in school, no matter their age or life situation

We respectfully ask Congress to amend the proposed "Keeping Our Students in School Act" (H.R. 9307) to ensure it supports all students, including adults. Right now, the bill is based on a competitive grant system, which puts schools with fewer resources at a disadvantage. Additionally, it focuses only on younger students, leaving out olderand non-traditional students who are balancing education with work, family, or other responsibilities. Everyone deserves equtablel access to education, regardless of their age or circumstances.

What We're Asking For:

1. Replace the competitive grant process with a needs-based funding system that ensures schools with fewer resources aren't left behind, promoting fairness and equity across all districts.

2. Expand eligibility to include adult learners, such as students in college, vocational training, and continuing education programs, recognizing the value of lifelong learning.

3. Incorporate diverse partnerships with community organizations and local agencies to address barriers faced by both traditional and non-traditional students, such as housing instability, work obligations, and healthcare needs.

Help us reach 5,000 signatures to show Congress that we believe in equal education opportunities for all, no matter their age, school EDL affluence, or location

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