Help Stop the Navy's Assault on Whales
This is outrageous: The U.S. Navy is pushing ahead with a training plan that could kill nearly 1,000 whales, dolphins and other marine mammals. And that's according to the Navy's own numbers!
The Navy is planning to use high-powered explosives and deafening sonar as part of its training and testing over the next five years. This sonar is so powerful that it can cause the internal organs of marine mammals to hemorrhage.
Tell the Secretary of the Navy to protect whales and dolphins from deadly sonar by putting commonsense safeguards in place.
Marine mammals should not have to suffer and die for routine military practice — especially when the Navy can take simple measures to protect them without compromising our national security.
Dear Secretary Mabus,
I am appalled at the Navy's five-year plan for training and testing with sonar and explosives, which would needlessly kill or maim thousands of whales and other marine mammals. I call on you to put safeguards in place that will dramatically reduce the threat to whales without compromising military readiness. Most importantly, please put vital areas for marine mammals off-limits to sonar and explosives. According to the scientific community, that is the most effective means of reducing harm.
The evidence is clear: the Navy can continue to protect our national security AND protect marine mammals at the same time. I urge you to do so.
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