Tell U.S. Congress: Don't Cut Lifesaving Funding

The world's more pressing problems can be solved with U.S. investments that help lift people out of poverty and hunger, end social injustice, and protect women and girls.

Congress wants to make cuts to this critical funding, redirecting money away from life-saving programs. The real-world impacts of these cuts would be devastating – and in some cases deadly – for people lacking food, clean water, shelter, medical care, and more around the globe.

Urge U.S. Congress to support robust foreign assistance funding and reject any cuts in the next International Affairs budget to help build a better, more just world for all.
The world's most vulnerable communities face historic challenges: food insecurity and hunger, disruptions to women's health care, rising gender-based violence, and more. United States leadership must meet the current moment and commit to addressing rising humanitarian needs and preventing irreparable backsliding on global development.

That's why I support robust funding for U.S. foreign assistance programs, and I urge you to do the same in the FY25 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill. These lifesaving programs improve millions of lives, represent the face of America abroad and help to promote a safer world. Foreign assistance funding represents roughly one percent of the federal budget - just one cent of the federal budget dollar - yet it is critical to the U.S. being a reliable partner and leader in the world.

CARE has witnessed the profound difference foreign assistance makes, especially in the lives of women and girls. For example, over the past six decades, global maternal and child mortality rates have dropped sharply, literacy rates have increased, and economic opportunities have expanded.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges, now is not the time for budget cuts. These low-cost programs change lives, address the root causes of poverty, decrease dependency and build stronger, more resilient societies. Our own nation is benefited by alleviating global suffering and decreasing poverty when we create a more stable and prosperous world.

I call on Congress to allocate robust funding for the FY25 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill and pass a budget that protects lives, builds a stronger global community, and reestablishes U.S. global leadership.
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